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2007-12-02 - 11:01 p.m.

Hello again. Well since my last entry nothing but drama. I did get my dream car but it's so exensive. Fun to drive though. D had another of his crazy fits and this time grabbed me by the throat. This was a month ago and he is still with his grandparents. I've tried to talk to him but his aunt says he is very angry at me. I had to call the police he broke down a door, threatened to break a mirror in my room and grabbed me by the throat. What was I supposed to do? I think I'm falling into a depression. My new Insurance plan kicks in this Januaury and I have to find a good therapist. Someone I feel comfortable talking to and I can trust. I'm just feeling very sad lately and angry as well. I feel like I have worked so hard to accomplish so much but I'm completely alone. D hates me. I don't know why. I've worked hard to give him a decent life. I hate pity parties but believe me sometimes life gets too heavy to bear. I received a crank call from one of my previous jewelry customers. People can be so childish, it made me scared and sad. I just feel completely alone. Very sad.

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